Indicadores ZM201 Inox

Reference: IND-ZM201 Inox

New product


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Data sheet

Modelo IND-ZM201 Inox
Display TN backlit 7-digit seven segment display with 0.5 in / 13 mm high digits
Alcance 4 celdas
Material Inox
Aplicaciones Básculas industriales
Resolución 53,687,100 counts per mV/V per second
Conexión 4 x 350 ohm weight sensors
Salida Two serial ports | Comm 1 RS232, no handshaking - Comm 2 RS232, no handshaking. Ethernet TCP/IP, DHCP, Static IP Protocols (all ports) - SMA Broadcast, Remote Display, and NCI
Alimentación 110-240 VAC
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